
Roads to Better Cantonese: A Reading Program for Homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese

項目簡介 Introduction


本平台是香港教育大學人文學院教學發展基金(EdUHK FHM Teaching Development Grants)項目「粵講越好:普通話同音字粵音認讀計劃(Roads to Better Cantonese: A Reading Program for Homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese)」(Project code: T0216)的成果。平台以聯結主義(Connectionism)理論爲基礎,選列高頻共現的詞語組合,強化聯結關係,促進學習者浮現特徵(Emergent Properties)的過程,有效建立心理詞典。

平台將建立混成學習系統(Blended Learning),以電子化非同步自學模式(Asynchronous Self-paced Learning),配合常規課堂教學,促進正式與非正式學習(Synergy between Formal and Non-formal Learning)的協同作用,讓本校內地生及國際生更有效率地正確認讀普通話同音字的粵語發音,融入本地社羣。

When learning Cantonese, learners often inclined to over-generalization, and make mistakes in pronunciation. Because of lack of systemic learning in homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese, it will affect the effectiveness in communication with local people.

As the achievement of EdUHK FHM Teaching Development Grants (Project code: T0216), the program uses connectionism as basic theory, selecting high frequency and co-occurrence words combination to emphasize the relationship between Putonghua and Cantonese. Under emphasizing the internal relationship of homonyms, learners can build up their own vocabularies, and the process of emergent properties will be reinforced.

This program expects to have synergistic effect of formal and non-formal learning, by developing a set of asynchronous self-paced Blended Learning materials. Mainland students and international students, through systemic learning in homonyms of Putonghua and Cantonese, can better integrate into local society.

關鍵詞 Keywords


Blended Learning, E-learning, Mainland Students, International Students (Putonghua Speakers), Cantonese

使用説明 Guide

1. 以普通話音序排列。

2. 以一個普通話帶調音節為一個單位,先列出該讀音對應的常用漢字,再分別列出每個漢字的粵語讀音。如遇普通話的多音字則按照不同讀音分列。

3. 註音採用《粵語審音配字字庫》所附的《香港語言學會》註音系統。

4. 詞語示例包括詞和短語,以香港當代日常口語為原則選配(參考《粵語審音配字字庫》,部分需要調整)。每個漢字配兩個詞語,較常用的例子置前。遇有冷僻的字至少選配一個詞語。

5. 示例詞語的讀音為書面及口語通用讀音,部分詞語在口語中存在音變現象,在備註欄列出註音和詞語示例。

參考資料 Reference



普通話聲母韻母索引 Index